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Facility Guidelines

  1. Proper athletic shoes only, no boots, sandals, or street shoes.

  2. Clean shoes required, Participants whose shoes are muddy, dirty, or wet will be asked to clean the shoes before they use the equipment.

  3. Shorts, sweatpants, T-shirts, tank tops and spandex clothing deemed (i) appropriate by staff.

  4. Shirts must be worn at all times.

  5. Avoid heavy perfumes or colognes.

  6. No belt buckles or loose jewelry.



  1. Lockers may be used by participants during the time the participant is in the Wellness Center.

  2. Other clothing and jackets may be kept in lockers.

  3. Participants may bring locks for the lockers. The Participants need to take the lock with their belongings with them each day.

  4. Please keep all valuables at home. The RSTDPP will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items.



  1. All participants are required to wipe down their equipment when finsihed.

  2. Participants must take care of the equipment. Slamming weights down or other harmful actions to the equipment will not be permitted.

  3. Participants must rack their weights in proper order, strip bars, and put away their equipment.

  4. No weights allowed in the group exercise room or on the walk track, unless placed on an exercise mat.


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